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The Party

Episode #
Script By
Art By
Colors By
Mad Ox
Savita Bhabhi
1 2 3 4 5
Available Languages
English , Hindi

In this episode, Savita Bhabhi goes to a party with her husband. She meets her husband's colleague and his wife. Savita Bhabhi as usual dressed up in a sexy costume, showing her big boobs and cleavage. Her husband’s friend has a busty wife, but he has been seduced by Savita Bhabhi. They both go into the kitchen leaving their partners outside. Savita Bhabhi teases the guy by moving closer and making him touch her soft big boobs.

He couldn’t resist himself after squeezing her melons and sucking her nipples… He wanted to have a quick fuck with her before anyone notices. Did she allow him? Watch it!

Damn, the art got serious. Like wow. Like wow. Please keep doing it this way. Love this colouring and art so much. Just from the preview panels. Can’t wait for this episode.

Kilo Hiyu Savita Bhabhi Videos member
The Cricket Episode #2
The Perfect Hostess Episode #4
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