Pizza Delivery with Extra Sauce


Ashok has organized a party at home to celebrate his promotion. Savita orders pizza for him at the insistence of drunk Ashok. But before the pizza arrives, Ashok falls asleep unconscious due to intoxication. Alex helps Savita in bringing Ashok to the bedroom. Meanwhile, Alex and Savita start kissing, which makes Annie aroused. Then, the three go to the other bedroom and begin having threesome sex. Savita is about to cum when the doorbell rings. In the pleasure of sex, she had forgotten that she had ordered pizza. Savita goes to get pizza wearing a short nightgown. In the hurry of taking money out of the purse, the delivery boy gets to see Savita's pussy. Savita, who left her sex halfway after seeing her husband sleeping, and a young boy, now starts arousing him for sex. Will Ashok wake up to the sound of Savita and the pizza delivery boy having sex? How will he react if he finds them fucking? To know more, watch Savita bhabhi full episode 78 - Pizza Delivery with Extra Sauce.

Video Info

  • Released: 09-08-2024
  • Length: 00:12:43
  • Tags:
  • Languages: Hindi

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